So after my friend finished her band rehearsal, we hope in her car for some ACAI BOWL :3 I wish I took a picture of it, it was so delicious. :D After getting an acai bowl, we went to her house to enjoy the acai bowl while watching some funny youtube videos. x] It was 4:45 so we decide to get ready for the ceremony and then our friend (a.k.a ShitShine, it's an inside joke/nickname haha) calls saying he needs a ride to the ceremony. So we quickly get ready, rush to our friend's house to find that we have to give our other friend (a.k.a Stud Muffin) a ride home.
ShitShine didn't have the proper attire so Stud Muffin had to grab clothes for him and ShitShine changed in the car while WHITE drove back to school. When we got there, the ceremony already started. -___-" Full of embarassment! xD Hahaha. But it turns out that it was alright, or at least our advisor said so. Lol. x] So then after that ceremony, we had another one for Leadership. -___-" So then I spent another hour sitting down, wanting to be home. x] But I ended up winning an award for "Most Industrious" (:
So after I came home, I started blogging haha (: And now I'm just thinking about summer. I really, really want to go to the mainland to visit colleges! :<