Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Seriously. Can't sleep. It's been like this since I came back from Japan. I would go to bed and then wake up 3 hours later. -___-" Apparently my body now only requires 3 hours of sleep. Wonderful.... Not really. It sucks. /: I swear to god my health is getting more fucked up as time passes.... /: Not cool. :[

Anyways, almost new years eve! Time to get fucked up? Yes. :D Hopefully it'll be better than last year. Well, last year wasn't that bad. x] I guess. LOL. I should hop into bed again soon. Ha.

Ahhh, it's been twelve weeks and still counting.... Or, well. I'm still counting and waiting.


  1. いつで 日本 が 行ったか? lol ごめん 私の 日本語は 大変 です!! 

  2. LOL I went from 17-25? What're you asking? LOL

  3. lol i was asking when you went japan
    jealous desu :3
