Because mine's is pretty awesome.
I've been going out with some friends I haven't seen in a while, staying home and being lazy, and just working.
Working at my new job is definitely better than HCO in a lot of ways. Although I do miss the atmosphere there sometimes. I now have a sales goal that I'm required to meet and I've been trying to meet my sales goal. And two out of the three days, I broke $1000 but I seem to be short just by $100 or so.
Oh, I've also started on my "no soda" diet because I need to be drinking more water haha. Hope I don't break it!
Well yeah, how's your summer going? ♥
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone or something, that the only next possible step to do is to stop. Leave them alone. Walk away. It’s not like you’re giving up, & it’s not like you shouldn’t try. It’s just that you have to draw the line of determination from desperation. What is truly yours would eventually be yours, & what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
So I lied again. I didn't manage to write another entry and I left for Tokyo, where I had no internet. But hey, I'm back in the HI again! So here's some pictures♥
Senior Prom♥
Honor Graduate; Magna Cum Laude♥
My new digital Camera☆★
I'll post some pictures of my trip later! Promise :]
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
MIA much?
Sorry guys, I've once again been MIA. To be completely honest, I use Tumblr a lot more now. But I missed you blogger.
Quick Update:
- I'm currently in Japan right now, Fukuoka to be exact. I am on a 3 week vacation from HI. And I am loving it. Although I do miss HI. I'll post some pictures later.
- I left Hollister Co. and moved on to Armani Exchange! I haven't started yet since I got hired right before my trip, but I'm quite excited. Stepping up my game in the retail business, hehe.
- It's the summer! Meaning I successfully graduated♥ I'll definitely post some pictures later, lol.
- I am now a MacBook Pro user♥ got one for my graduation gift♥
Well, I'm going to look through my pictures and post again, soon♥
Quick Update:
- I'm currently in Japan right now, Fukuoka to be exact. I am on a 3 week vacation from HI. And I am loving it. Although I do miss HI. I'll post some pictures later.
- I left Hollister Co. and moved on to Armani Exchange! I haven't started yet since I got hired right before my trip, but I'm quite excited. Stepping up my game in the retail business, hehe.
- It's the summer! Meaning I successfully graduated♥ I'll definitely post some pictures later, lol.
- I am now a MacBook Pro user♥ got one for my graduation gift♥
Well, I'm going to look through my pictures and post again, soon♥
Thursday, May 13, 2010
ああ、もう馬鹿みたい。結局やっぱり君だけがりさの事をちゃんと思ってくれて、ちゃんと愛してくれたのに・・・何でりさは君に同じことをできなかっ たんだろう。愛してたんだよ。本当に。でも、何でりさは何でいつも君を傷つけてしまうんだろう。
初めて話したときからすごく仲良くて。離れ離れだったのにお互い好きになって。覚えてる?りさが、「大好きだけど遠距離できるか分からな い・・・」って言ったの覚えてる?でもね、その時諦めなかったのはやっぱり君が好きだったから。あれから、ずっと君とは寝る前に電話で話したね。毎晩欠 かさず電話したね。君と電話で話さなければ、寝れなくなったんだよ。
12月27日2008年、りさが日本から帰ってきた日、君と初めて会った時、君とやっと恋愛を始めた日。君が帰って来てたったの2週間半しか一緒に いられなかったけど。その2週間半は毎日が楽しかった、幸せだった。覚えてるよ、あの最後のキス。今思えば、切なかったね。あの夜いっぱい泣いたね、いっ ぱい笑ったね。何度思ったか、「あの夜に戻りたい・・・」って。
君と最後に一緒にいたのは今日でもう1年と4ヶ月の事。君と5000マイルも離れてて、すごく悲しかった。覚えてる?スカイプで二人とも泣きながら 馬鹿な顔して、ビデオチャットしたね。毎朝「おはよう」って携帯にメールして、授業中もメールして。毎晩欠かさず電話。ほとんど、毎日ビデオチャットし て。それでも、やっぱり一緒にいないからって何度泣いたか。でも、毎日欠かさず言ってた、「愛してるよ」がりさ達を支えてたね。
「愛してるけど、君はそばにいない」、そんな事を思ってたら他の子に惚れちゃった。どんなに悪い事をしたか、そう思って君に泣きながら電話したね。 覚えてる?あの時は本当にゴメンね。りさは馬鹿だったよ。あの子のせいで、みんなに内緒で恋愛から休憩したね。馬鹿みたい。
あれから、全部が変になったね。小さな事で言い合いして、そんな嫌な日々が続いたね。6月22日2009年、りさは君と別れる事決めた。りさから別 れたのに、すごく泣いてたね。何でって、やっぱりまだ好きだったから?だから6月27日2009年、また君と付き合い始めた。でも、またすぐにうまくいか なくって、別れたね。
あれから、君の大親友と遊び始めたね。ある夜、一緒にパーティーに行って・・・その後、「彼となら、うまくできる」そう思って、好きになり始めたら やっぱり彼ともだめ。君はその時点で、「おまえは僕の人生にはもう存在しない」ってりさに言った。それで、久しぶりにまた一人ぼっち。
君にある秋の夜に電話した。君は電話に出てくれた。あの時、君と4時間以上話したね。いっぱい泣いて、いろいろ話して。あの日からメールの返事がな くても、毎朝「おはよう」、毎晩「おやすみ」。たまには長いメールも送ったね。それから、ちょっとづつ君と話したけど。やっぱり君にはりさと話すことは無 理だった・・・
君の事はずっと思ってた。起きた瞬間、「君は今何やってるんだろう」。寝る前は、「電話したいよ・・・」。良い想いでも、悪い想いでも。全部忘れら れなかった。君の事思ったから、急に泣いたり、笑ったり。君はりさにとってこの世で一番大切な人だった。
あれから、ずっと待ってた。君からのメールか電話を。16週間たち、勇気を出してりさから電話したね。最初は電話に出なかったね。「やっぱり忘れら れたのか・・・」って思ってたら、君から電話。君はりさの番号を忘れてたね。でも、その日もずっとりさの話を聞いてくれた。その時に、りさに「もうどこに も行かない、最低でも君の友達としてずっとそばにいてあげる」って言ってくれた。
毎日欠かさず話したね。君は「好きだよ」っていつも言ってた。でも、本気で言ってるとは思わなかった。お互い、また惚れ直して、2月18日2010 年、君とまた恋愛を始めた日。毎日が幸せだった。言い合いもなかったし、ただ君が帰ってくることを楽しみにしていたね。でも、あの人にりさは出会って、間 違いを起こした。5月9日2010年、君を失うことになった。
あの日から、りさは自分じゃなくなった。寝るのもただベッドに横になるだけ。食べるのも不必要になった。学校から帰ってきたら、すぐにベッドにも ぐった。君の事を考えることしかできなかった。でも思ったんだ、自分を変えなければ何も変わらないって。だから、今は普通に生きていけるようになったの。 りさは自分のためにも、君のためにも変わりたいの。君に自分が変わったって見せたいの。そしたら、わがままかもしれないけど、できればまたりさの人生に 戻ってきてほしいの。
でも、本当にゴメンね。心のそこから、本当にゴメン。君はりさの事を誰より一番に思ってくれて、誰よりも愛してくれた。君はりさの本当の初恋だよ。 永遠に君はりさの心に残るから。だから、お願いだからりさの事を忘れないで。だって・・・りさは君の事忘れないし、忘れられないから。
初めて話したときからすごく仲良くて。離れ離れだったのにお互い好きになって。覚えてる?りさが、「大好きだけど遠距離できるか分からな い・・・」って言ったの覚えてる?でもね、その時諦めなかったのはやっぱり君が好きだったから。あれから、ずっと君とは寝る前に電話で話したね。毎晩欠 かさず電話したね。君と電話で話さなければ、寝れなくなったんだよ。
12月27日2008年、りさが日本から帰ってきた日、君と初めて会った時、君とやっと恋愛を始めた日。君が帰って来てたったの2週間半しか一緒に いられなかったけど。その2週間半は毎日が楽しかった、幸せだった。覚えてるよ、あの最後のキス。今思えば、切なかったね。あの夜いっぱい泣いたね、いっ ぱい笑ったね。何度思ったか、「あの夜に戻りたい・・・」って。
君と最後に一緒にいたのは今日でもう1年と4ヶ月の事。君と5000マイルも離れてて、すごく悲しかった。覚えてる?スカイプで二人とも泣きながら 馬鹿な顔して、ビデオチャットしたね。毎朝「おはよう」って携帯にメールして、授業中もメールして。毎晩欠かさず電話。ほとんど、毎日ビデオチャットし て。それでも、やっぱり一緒にいないからって何度泣いたか。でも、毎日欠かさず言ってた、「愛してるよ」がりさ達を支えてたね。
「愛してるけど、君はそばにいない」、そんな事を思ってたら他の子に惚れちゃった。どんなに悪い事をしたか、そう思って君に泣きながら電話したね。 覚えてる?あの時は本当にゴメンね。りさは馬鹿だったよ。あの子のせいで、みんなに内緒で恋愛から休憩したね。馬鹿みたい。
あれから、全部が変になったね。小さな事で言い合いして、そんな嫌な日々が続いたね。6月22日2009年、りさは君と別れる事決めた。りさから別 れたのに、すごく泣いてたね。何でって、やっぱりまだ好きだったから?だから6月27日2009年、また君と付き合い始めた。でも、またすぐにうまくいか なくって、別れたね。
あれから、君の大親友と遊び始めたね。ある夜、一緒にパーティーに行って・・・その後、「彼となら、うまくできる」そう思って、好きになり始めたら やっぱり彼ともだめ。君はその時点で、「おまえは僕の人生にはもう存在しない」ってりさに言った。それで、久しぶりにまた一人ぼっち。
君にある秋の夜に電話した。君は電話に出てくれた。あの時、君と4時間以上話したね。いっぱい泣いて、いろいろ話して。あの日からメールの返事がな くても、毎朝「おはよう」、毎晩「おやすみ」。たまには長いメールも送ったね。それから、ちょっとづつ君と話したけど。やっぱり君にはりさと話すことは無 理だった・・・
君の事はずっと思ってた。起きた瞬間、「君は今何やってるんだろう」。寝る前は、「電話したいよ・・・」。良い想いでも、悪い想いでも。全部忘れら れなかった。君の事思ったから、急に泣いたり、笑ったり。君はりさにとってこの世で一番大切な人だった。
あれから、ずっと待ってた。君からのメールか電話を。16週間たち、勇気を出してりさから電話したね。最初は電話に出なかったね。「やっぱり忘れら れたのか・・・」って思ってたら、君から電話。君はりさの番号を忘れてたね。でも、その日もずっとりさの話を聞いてくれた。その時に、りさに「もうどこに も行かない、最低でも君の友達としてずっとそばにいてあげる」って言ってくれた。
毎日欠かさず話したね。君は「好きだよ」っていつも言ってた。でも、本気で言ってるとは思わなかった。お互い、また惚れ直して、2月18日2010 年、君とまた恋愛を始めた日。毎日が幸せだった。言い合いもなかったし、ただ君が帰ってくることを楽しみにしていたね。でも、あの人にりさは出会って、間 違いを起こした。5月9日2010年、君を失うことになった。
あの日から、りさは自分じゃなくなった。寝るのもただベッドに横になるだけ。食べるのも不必要になった。学校から帰ってきたら、すぐにベッドにも ぐった。君の事を考えることしかできなかった。でも思ったんだ、自分を変えなければ何も変わらないって。だから、今は普通に生きていけるようになったの。 りさは自分のためにも、君のためにも変わりたいの。君に自分が変わったって見せたいの。そしたら、わがままかもしれないけど、できればまたりさの人生に 戻ってきてほしいの。
でも、本当にゴメンね。心のそこから、本当にゴメン。君はりさの事を誰より一番に思ってくれて、誰よりも愛してくれた。君はりさの本当の初恋だよ。 永遠に君はりさの心に残るから。だから、お願いだからりさの事を忘れないで。だって・・・りさは君の事忘れないし、忘れられないから。
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I've once again realized a lot of different things that I should have realized the first time around. And all I can say is, from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry. I've never felt so broken and defeated and dead. But I'm sure that you feel the same too, along with anger. I can't believe that out of all the people in this world that I know, I put you through this again. All I can do is not to ask for your forgiveness, but to change. Change for myself, change for the people I've hurt including you. And I hope I can prove myself and prove you, that I can and have changed in the future.
So until then,goodbye.
So until then,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Prom is in two weeks. I got my dress, which I need to get altered. And I got my nails done this morning♥ I love them very much, got it done by Salon Cherie♥ They were really great, very clean. I'm pretty excited for prom besides the difficulty of getting everything perfect such as finding a table, which I still need to do. Ugh.
It's now time for dinner, I'm starving haha. I hope everyone's weekend is going great♥
It's now time for dinner, I'm starving haha. I hope everyone's weekend is going great♥
Monday, April 19, 2010
10 Ways to Love
1. Listen without interrupting. (Proverbs 18)
2. Speak without accusing. (James 1:19)
3. Give without sparing. (Proverbs 21:26)
4. Pray without ceasing. (Colossians 1:9)
5. Answer without arguing. (Proverbs 17:1)
6. Share without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)
7. Enjoy without complaint. (Philippians 2:14)
8. Trust without wavering. (Corinthians 13:7)
9. Forgive without punishing. (Colossians 3:13)
10. Promise without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)
2. Speak without accusing. (James 1:19)
3. Give without sparing. (Proverbs 21:26)
4. Pray without ceasing. (Colossians 1:9)
5. Answer without arguing. (Proverbs 17:1)
6. Share without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)
7. Enjoy without complaint. (Philippians 2:14)
8. Trust without wavering. (Corinthians 13:7)
9. Forgive without punishing. (Colossians 3:13)
10. Promise without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)
yeah, such a tragedy
You stole a kiss and stole my heart
made me a
It wouldn’t have been so bad except
this little plan,
If I were you
I’d dare not speak
I’d run like hell
In hopes of seein’ tomorrow
It’s such a travesty
the way you say our love should be
yeah, such a tragedy
think you can just
well you better run
Oh, man on the run
playin’ for fun
wind me up
leave me undone
Saturday, April 17, 2010
You pushed my button.
So this past Wednesday, something happened that really pushed my button after feeling not that great for more than a week. After school, I had plans with my mother to go prom dress shopping. Not checking the surroundings of my car, I hop in and back out to head home. Apparently, someone had put a metal trashcan behind my car and the height was the same as the height of my trunk so I didn't see it. I ended up backing into the trashcan, putting scratches on my paint and bottom rubber part. Out of all the days that I've parked at school and after parking in that one particular stall, I get a trashcan behind my car. I can handle all the rumors, the laughs, and teases that I get from my peers. But when something happens to things that I love, people are going too far. After feeling not that great for the past week and a half, I couldn't help but to let all the emotions out to my counselor. And it felt great. And the next day I didn't feel like going to school and with my understanding parents, I just stayed home and went out with my mother. After this whole issue, I'm really dreading the remaining school days. Honestly, one more month till it's all over. I really cannot wait.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I wonder if it's even worth trying to be strong,
trying not to be bothered by rude comments and laughs,
trying not to care about what people may think of you,
trying not to care about feeling alone in a class full of people I know,
trying not to think about what happened with you and how it is now,
trying not to cry when you feel like crying everyday.
Tell me, is it worth it all?
trying not to be bothered by rude comments and laughs,
trying not to care about what people may think of you,
trying not to care about feeling alone in a class full of people I know,
trying not to think about what happened with you and how it is now,
trying not to cry when you feel like crying everyday.
Tell me, is it worth it all?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Hello April
A month till my AP exams, a month and 4 days till senior prom, a month and 17 days till graduation, a month and 19 days till I'm 18, and a month and 20 days till I start my summer classes at my college.
I slacked off so much last term, it's quite embarrassing when you receive your first D on your report card and the lowest grade point average attained in your life. But hey, I'm still an honor graduate so I shook that off quite easily. To try and achieve the best grades I can get for my last term of high school, I've been going to all my classes and doing all my homework. In a month, I'll be taking my two AP exams. So all the practice exams for calculus are ridiculous and it's disappointing to get low grades on them especially since I love math. But that's okay, I know I'll get a 5 on my exam. As for chemistry, we're finally close to being finished with learning our material. Although I'm not confident with the exam for this subject, I'll do much better in college chemistry after taking this class. I really think I am a nerd because I think about school all the time, both good and bad thoughts. It's kind of weird.... But that's okay. I love being a nerd/dork ♥
I did not work all weekend this week. I'm quite happy with that and it's probably because I worked 22 hours last week. Haha, I'm amazed that I did it especially on a school week! But last night was another fun night out with my friends. Dinner at Cheesecake Factory♥
How are you spending your weekend?♥
I slacked off so much last term, it's quite embarrassing when you receive your first D on your report card and the lowest grade point average attained in your life. But hey, I'm still an honor graduate so I shook that off quite easily. To try and achieve the best grades I can get for my last term of high school, I've been going to all my classes and doing all my homework. In a month, I'll be taking my two AP exams. So all the practice exams for calculus are ridiculous and it's disappointing to get low grades on them especially since I love math. But that's okay, I know I'll get a 5 on my exam. As for chemistry, we're finally close to being finished with learning our material. Although I'm not confident with the exam for this subject, I'll do much better in college chemistry after taking this class. I really think I am a nerd because I think about school all the time, both good and bad thoughts. It's kind of weird.... But that's okay. I love being a nerd/dork ♥
I did not work all weekend this week. I'm quite happy with that and it's probably because I worked 22 hours last week. Haha, I'm amazed that I did it especially on a school week! But last night was another fun night out with my friends. Dinner at Cheesecake Factory♥
How are you spending your weekend?♥
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Last night
Of spring break and of course I'm still up finishing up my homework. This spring break was a very relaxing one and somewhat fun. But I'm definitely not looking forward to going back to school. Especially because I'll probably get busier with studying for my AP exams and such. Plus, prom and graduation and leadership. Sigh. I honestly can't wait till I'm out of high school. Well, I'd like to sleep before 12AM of Monday. So, I'll continue with my homework now.
Hope everyone enjoyed/is enjoying their break. ♥
Hope everyone enjoyed/is enjoying their break. ♥
Can I please
Just get my diploma already?
I'm really not looking forward to going to high school anymore.
I hate high school.
I'm really not looking forward to going to high school anymore.
I hate high school.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cupcake Lover♥
Being a cupcake lover that I am, I absolutely LOVE this tumblr site.
Click Click Click ♥
Click Click Click ♥
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring Break
Started last Friday and I'm so happy that I don't have school for a week. And I haven't updated for more than a week. I missed blogging a lot. There was just a lot of things to do for school and thank god I finished it all. And I passed my senior project, so I'll be graduating with a BOE (Board of Education) Recognition Diploma or in other words, an Honor Graduate. ♥ I'm so relieved, haha.
So for spring break, I was assigned 200 AP Calculus questions and a chapter outline for AP Chemistry along with the first set of problems for that chapter. So in a week, 210 problems and an outline. Sigh. But that's okay, I'll manage to finish it while working and hanging out with some coworkers.
How's your spring going? ♥
So for spring break, I was assigned 200 AP Calculus questions and a chapter outline for AP Chemistry along with the first set of problems for that chapter. So in a week, 210 problems and an outline. Sigh. But that's okay, I'll manage to finish it while working and hanging out with some coworkers.
How's your spring going? ♥
Two Thursday ago, I had a BBQ at my friend's house. After work, me and my friend grabbed food from Sam's Club and drove out to our friend's house. The menu for the night was: Potato Salad, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Cooked Shrimp, Ahi Poke, Chips with Salsa. We cooked and ate, played Wii, and had fun♥
(Mashing potatoes)

(HCo 341♥)
(The group for the night♥)
What do you guys normally have at your BBQs? ♥
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Yes, I'm in class now
But I just wanted to say that...
So I'll be getting a "B" for this term!<3
I'm very happy right now.
So I'll be getting a "B" for this term!<3
I'm very happy right now.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Oh my,
It's already March guys. I didn't even notice till a few hours after I made my post today. 81 more days till Graduation. I'm so excited♥ I know what college I'm going to, what I'm going to major in, and what I'm going to become career wise. I honestly can't wait what college has to offer me and what's waiting for me after I'm free from all of the high school stuff.
Hollister long sleeve♥ Haha, I haven't done the peace sign like a FOB in a while.
Destroyed that AP Calculus final this morning. And because I didn't finish making up my AP Chemistry homework, I went to the library to finish it up and go back to class. But it took me two hours, an hour more than I thought, to finish it. Resulting in skipping AP Chemistry class AGAIN. Sigh. So I just came home, ate chips and salsa and decided to blog before going back to working on my to-do list for all my school work.
After presenting my senior project tomorrow morning, I'll finally be free from doing ridiculous extra work. I'm so excited to get that over with. But I can't start partying till I catch up on AP Chemistry because I have to make two tests and probably a bunch of lab write ups. And even after that's done, I still have my photography projects to finish by this week Thursday. Thank god for my ENG100 teacher allowing one extension without penalty. If it wasn't for that extension, my film review on "SiCKO", by Michael Moore, would've been due tomorrow as well. And since I got my AP Calculus over with, I don't have much to worry about for that class now.
Thinking about all the work I have yet to do, I wish it was the weekend.... But it's only Monday.
Hope everyone's hanging in there better than me!♥
After presenting my senior project tomorrow morning, I'll finally be free from doing ridiculous extra work. I'm so excited to get that over with. But I can't start partying till I catch up on AP Chemistry because I have to make two tests and probably a bunch of lab write ups. And even after that's done, I still have my photography projects to finish by this week Thursday. Thank god for my ENG100 teacher allowing one extension without penalty. If it wasn't for that extension, my film review on "SiCKO", by Michael Moore, would've been due tomorrow as well. And since I got my AP Calculus over with, I don't have much to worry about for that class now.
Thinking about all the work I have yet to do, I wish it was the weekend.... But it's only Monday.
Hope everyone's hanging in there better than me!♥
Sunday, February 28, 2010
My layout since I thought my layout looked dark-ish. I don't know. Haha. I'll be tweaking on it more, I think. Add color to it♥
Saturday, February 27, 2010
So we luckily dodged the tsunami. And it wasn't a big one like they expected it to be. I was worried about my car, my baby♥ So thank god the tsunami didn't happen. But thank you, Tsunami Warning. For cancelling work so I earn less for my next paycheck and keeping me from trying on all the new things after work. I was looking forward to work since it's always fun. But oh well, more time to do some school work. Haha.
So how's your weekend going? ♥
So how's your weekend going? ♥
Tsunami warning in Hawaii. :[
It's expected to hit in an hour...and I'm blogging. Haha.
Everyone please stay safe♥
It's expected to hit in an hour...and I'm blogging. Haha.
Everyone please stay safe♥
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hello World
I have been MIA (missing in action) for a while a lot of people including you. And I do apologize for that. But I've been a bit passive and anti-social (kind of). I once again started playing my favorite Asian computer game, MapleStory. And I seem to be lacking in motivation, as well as inspiration. I've literally skipped a week of school, aside from attending my AP Calculus class and my ENG100 class. I guess you can diagnose me with senioritis, although I think not. The term ends in three weeks, including this week. Motivate me. Inspire me.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Simple and Short
I'll be keeping this post simple and short. But thankyuuuu for the comments guys!♥ Everything's back to normal now. And I've been busy with volunteering, work, and school work. I've once again started skipping some of my classes.... Well at least it's the weekend, catch up on all my work and start the new week with no absences, haha.
Well, I have an English assignment due in about 2 hours so hopefully I'll post later today.
Hope everyone's having a wonderful week♥
Well, I have an English assignment due in about 2 hours so hopefully I'll post later today.
Hope everyone's having a wonderful week♥
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Truth
Hurts sometimes. And it definitely hurts right now.
You were the most important friend I had.
You were the most important friend I had.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
So I took a little break from blogging this weekend and I definitely missed writing. This weekend was another three day weekend and thinking back to it, I honestly didn't do much but it was a very busy, tiring weekend. Couldn't relax much as I would've liked to.
This past Friday and Saturday, there was a school carnival going on where literally everyone goes to. The place I volunteer at went this Friday and I went along with them. Since we went in the midday, it was quite hot. And I made the mistake of wearing my skinny jeans since it's a tradition that it rains when the carnival is held. This year would probably be the first year that it didn't rain, which surprised everyone. But after four hours of walking around in the hot sun, I had to head to work for another four plus hours of standing around, helping customers. And since it was a closing shift, getting out on time didn't happen.
On Saturday, I once again headed out to work in the morning. And since I got paid on Friday, I got myself a tank top and white denim shorts. Yay for discounts♥ haha. After getting home, I had to head out to a BBQ where I spent majority of my time talking on the phone. I mean the food was alright, I just felt out of place. So boo for that.
And today, I had an opening shift. It being Superbowl Sunday, it was quite slow for a Sunday. I must add, both Friday and Saturday as well was quite slow. Afterward, I got a haircut. Well, a trim actually since I like my long hair♥ I got it thinned out and my bangs cut short again. For dinner tonight, I was reunited with pho and Vietnamese coffee♥ I love Vietnamese coffee.
This past Friday and Saturday, there was a school carnival going on where literally everyone goes to. The place I volunteer at went this Friday and I went along with them. Since we went in the midday, it was quite hot. And I made the mistake of wearing my skinny jeans since it's a tradition that it rains when the carnival is held. This year would probably be the first year that it didn't rain, which surprised everyone. But after four hours of walking around in the hot sun, I had to head to work for another four plus hours of standing around, helping customers. And since it was a closing shift, getting out on time didn't happen.
On Saturday, I once again headed out to work in the morning. And since I got paid on Friday, I got myself a tank top and white denim shorts. Yay for discounts♥ haha. After getting home, I had to head out to a BBQ where I spent majority of my time talking on the phone. I mean the food was alright, I just felt out of place. So boo for that.
And today, I had an opening shift. It being Superbowl Sunday, it was quite slow for a Sunday. I must add, both Friday and Saturday as well was quite slow. Afterward, I got a haircut. Well, a trim actually since I like my long hair♥ I got it thinned out and my bangs cut short again. For dinner tonight, I was reunited with pho and Vietnamese coffee♥ I love Vietnamese coffee.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I'm Starting
To enjoy being at home. Ever since last weekend, if I don't have school, work, or volunteering, I'd rather be at home then out and about, spending money on food and coming home late. But don't get me wrong, it's not like I wouldn't go out if someone were to ask me. Like last weekend, I went out once on Saturday night to my friend's house.
I really want to make use of my room. I'm always downstairs, using my dining table as my desk. It would help if I had the room to myself. But unfortunately, I share a from with my sister who is six years younger than me. So, limited space plus lack of organization has led to spending my days in the living room and only using my room for a place to sleep in. Oh, and a new bed would also be nice. I currently sleep on a bed that you can fold into a mini sofa thing. Totally uncomfortable and it doesn't help with the slight back problems that I have.
As graduation approaches, the more I wish I already graduated. The more I think about things, the more I blame it on having to work around my high school schedule. I feel that high school's keeping me from being a little more free. The reason why I'm slightly negative towards high school is because my four years of high school weren't exactly the best years of my life, or at least for now it isn't. There were just too many ups and downs that it left me to the point where I'm ready to move on.
Well today's entry was rather random. Do you have any random thoughts lingering in your mind?♥
I really want to make use of my room. I'm always downstairs, using my dining table as my desk. It would help if I had the room to myself. But unfortunately, I share a from with my sister who is six years younger than me. So, limited space plus lack of organization has led to spending my days in the living room and only using my room for a place to sleep in. Oh, and a new bed would also be nice. I currently sleep on a bed that you can fold into a mini sofa thing. Totally uncomfortable and it doesn't help with the slight back problems that I have.
As graduation approaches, the more I wish I already graduated. The more I think about things, the more I blame it on having to work around my high school schedule. I feel that high school's keeping me from being a little more free. The reason why I'm slightly negative towards high school is because my four years of high school weren't exactly the best years of my life, or at least for now it isn't. There were just too many ups and downs that it left me to the point where I'm ready to move on.
Well today's entry was rather random. Do you have any random thoughts lingering in your mind?♥
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Waking up
To this would be nice♥ I've always wanted someone to make me breakfast in bed, haha. Maybe one day. But for now, getting "Good Morning" text messages will do. They seriously make my day. I got one this morning, which is out of the blue since I never get them on weekday mornings.
So today, for the third time in a row, I skipped my photography class to work on some scholarships. But really, I just didn't want to walk across campus in the rain, haha. Yes, it rained today. Poured, would be a better would actually. On my way home, I had the wipers to max and I could still barely see where I'm driving. By late afternoon, the sky cleared up. Most of the times, I don't really like rain because it ruins my hair. I have uneven, wavy hair so when I straighten it and it gets wet, it becomes uneven and wavy again. But I do enjoy rain, when I'm at home in my room, just relaxing♥ Ohohoh! I almost forgot. It snowed in NY today, haha. I love snow♥

I'd get a star tattoo on my wrist like this, haha. I really like stars more than hearts. But I still like hearts too. But if I had to choose one, it'd be stars. That's why I had stars on my nails this past winter, haha. I know, random. But I stumbled upon this on tumblr.
So how was your second day of February? Hopefully not as rainy as mine♥
So how was your second day of February? Hopefully not as rainy as mine♥
Monday, February 1, 2010
It's been
Thirty two days since 2010 started. I honestly can't believe it's already February. That means three more months till prom, graduation, and my 18th birthday♥ May is going to be a busy month.
So I said I'd go back for that dress in my blog entry yesterday, and I did! Today, after leaving school before I went to my last class, haha. It's cute...right?♥ I decided to braid my hair to see what it'd look like. I think it goes well together. But I also found out that I'm horrible with braiding my own hair. And I also decided to wear this dress for my senior luau.
Today, since I need more hours, I went volunteering. We went on a scavenger hunt, we needed to find 22 things, but it ended all too quickly. So, we played games which was really fun. I'm thinking about continuing even after I make my required hours. You don't do too much work and you have fun, I think it's worth it.
Last night, I watched the movie, 9, and I thought it was really cute. A family type movie with good morals, so if you have a younger sibling, you should watch it with them. And tonight, since my mother didn't rent any new dvds, I'm movie-less. Poo. I'm starting to like watching dvds. Plus, I don't have to pay $10 to watch it in a cold theater with strangers, haha.
Hopefully everyone's Monday was as fun as mine♥
So I said I'd go back for that dress in my blog entry yesterday, and I did! Today, after leaving school before I went to my last class, haha. It's cute...right?♥ I decided to braid my hair to see what it'd look like. I think it goes well together. But I also found out that I'm horrible with braiding my own hair. And I also decided to wear this dress for my senior luau.
Today, since I need more hours, I went volunteering. We went on a scavenger hunt, we needed to find 22 things, but it ended all too quickly. So, we played games which was really fun. I'm thinking about continuing even after I make my required hours. You don't do too much work and you have fun, I think it's worth it.
Last night, I watched the movie, 9, and I thought it was really cute. A family type movie with good morals, so if you have a younger sibling, you should watch it with them. And tonight, since my mother didn't rent any new dvds, I'm movie-less. Poo. I'm starting to like watching dvds. Plus, I don't have to pay $10 to watch it in a cold theater with strangers, haha.
Hopefully everyone's Monday was as fun as mine♥
Sunday, January 31, 2010
It seems like spring time is approaching♥ Especially because of all the new clothes on the floor at work. Everything is so colorful and cute. Like this dress I saw yesterday when I walked into work. I tried it on after work and decided that it's a must that I'd come back for it to purchase. The colors in this picture make it seem like it's all soft but it's actually more bright and even more cute. It's cute...right?♥

This weekend, I've done nothing in particular but stay home, relax, and eat homemade food. I pretty much had Korean food three days in a row, which totally isn't a bad thing haha. Day 1: fish jun and kimchee. Day 2: deep fried mandoo, japchae, and kimchee. Day 3: Samgyetang and kimchee. Kimchee is all most always in our Japanese household refrigerator. Sometimes, I'd come home from school and make myself a kimchee bowl for lunch. Yeah, I secretly wish my mother was like a fourth Korean so I was an eighth Korean, haha. She seems like she can be. I mean, she cooks Korean dishes so well♥
For day 2 though, I once again went over to my friend's house with my other friends to cook. So I guess I lied about staying home, haha. Like last time, we managed to make a mess and take two hours to make the food. But it was worth it all because it was the best deep fried mandoos I've ever had.
On a different note, I've had two nightmares in a row. Scary enough that I would wake up in the middle of the night. And what was weird was that they both had to do with Japanese horror films or stories, which I'm sure you know that they're all creepy and really scary. But thankfully, I didn't have a nightmare last night. So hopefully it stays that way. I don't need to develop bad sleeping habits again.
So tomorrow's Monday again, what have you done this weekend?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I don't
want to call you my 오빠. Because I’m scared you’ll treat me like your 여동생 and then we’ll never find out if what you predicted will come true or not.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Excuse me
For my absence on my blog for three days. Saturday night, I got absolutely no sleep. Maybe like 2 or 3 hours but that was it. The next day all I wanted to do was sleep, but I didn't want to have to stay awake since I was tired that night. So I fought off my sleep and ktfo'd around 10:30pm. And yesterday, I went back to school and finished my AP calculus homework and ktfo'd again. Haha.

A&F skinny jeans, Hollister tanktop, A&F hoodie, AX necklace, A&F beanie♥
So I got my a&f purchases yesterday in the mail. I am in love with hoodies, vests, and hats. So I bought this vest looking hoodie and this really cute beanie. I am in love with these two new items in my closet♥ Although I should've checked the a&f at my mall, I thought it'd be better to just get it online since it's cheaper and there's usually my size available. This reminds me! Two weeks till spring floorset at work. Can't wait to buy that white dress, shorts, and maybe I'll find a new top that I like. Gahhh, I love shopping. (I got the idea of posting my clothes from her♥)
Yesterday, I watched two movies: Julie&Julia and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. My mom's been into renting dvds so I usually join her if it's a movie that I have interest in. So Julie&Julia was an interesting and funny movie. It definitely got me hungry. The food they made looked really delicious and it made me wonder why can't I just cook like them. Haha, I don't have much cooking skills. So I was thinking about learning how to cook from my mom this summer. But I have a feeling I probably won't do that...haha. We'll see. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was a really cute, funny, family kind of a movie. I suggest you watch it with your sibling or the whole family.
So how was everybody's weekend + Monday?
You came back. Thankyuuuuu♥

A&F skinny jeans, Hollister tanktop, A&F hoodie, AX necklace, A&F beanie♥
So I got my a&f purchases yesterday in the mail. I am in love with hoodies, vests, and hats. So I bought this vest looking hoodie and this really cute beanie. I am in love with these two new items in my closet♥ Although I should've checked the a&f at my mall, I thought it'd be better to just get it online since it's cheaper and there's usually my size available. This reminds me! Two weeks till spring floorset at work. Can't wait to buy that white dress, shorts, and maybe I'll find a new top that I like. Gahhh, I love shopping. (I got the idea of posting my clothes from her♥)
Yesterday, I watched two movies: Julie&Julia and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. My mom's been into renting dvds so I usually join her if it's a movie that I have interest in. So Julie&Julia was an interesting and funny movie. It definitely got me hungry. The food they made looked really delicious and it made me wonder why can't I just cook like them. Haha, I don't have much cooking skills. So I was thinking about learning how to cook from my mom this summer. But I have a feeling I probably won't do that...haha. We'll see. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was a really cute, funny, family kind of a movie. I suggest you watch it with your sibling or the whole family.
So how was everybody's weekend + Monday?
You came back. Thankyuuuuu♥
Friday, January 22, 2010
End of the Week
And the beginning of the weekend♥ School was pretty alright today, wasn't much of a drag. After finishing my class, I decided to go to my old high school to visit my favorite teacher. (I transferred to the high school I attend now for my junior year.) I missed her quite a bit, I used to always be in her room during recess and lunch. I was really open about a lot of things. And she was cool with me staying in her room without a visitor's pass, haha. And today, I decided to get my lazy ass to volunteering today. And there was a lot of people, so that made time fly by. They were making pillows today. And this one girl made a reversible bag, it was kind of cute.

So tonight, I had a dinner at a Korean restaurant with my family and my mother's friends. The food was delicious♥ I wouldn't mind eating Korean food everyday, honestly. It made me want to get better at my Korean. So I've decided that during the summer before I go to college and continue with KOR102, that I'd study my KOR101 stuff all over again to refresh my brain and learn and understand even more.
After the wonderful dinner, I met up with my friend to have some milk tea bubble drink at an Asian Cafe. I can never get sick of milk tea bubble drink, it's $3.66 with tax at the usual cafe that I go to. We had a really fun and interesting conversation. Which totally made my bad week, pretty decent.
I noticed that I've been into blogging more than ever now. And it's getting me to use my lovely camera a lot more. It's only the first month of 2010 and I've posted more than a third of my total postings from last year. I'm quite excited about my future blog entries. And I hope you are too♥
Well, it's late. And I have work tomorrow, so goodnight♥

After the wonderful dinner, I met up with my friend to have some milk tea bubble drink at an Asian Cafe. I can never get sick of milk tea bubble drink, it's $3.66 with tax at the usual cafe that I go to. We had a really fun and interesting conversation. Which totally made my bad week, pretty decent.
I noticed that I've been into blogging more than ever now. And it's getting me to use my lovely camera a lot more. It's only the first month of 2010 and I've posted more than a third of my total postings from last year. I'm quite excited about my future blog entries. And I hope you are too♥
Well, it's late. And I have work tomorrow, so goodnight♥
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Obtained notebooks for myself. I was also planning on getting a planner as well. But Barnes and Nobles had this sale going on and they had none left. So I went home with these three notebooks, $10.42 with tax.

Today I had my college class. Ha, I wore my nerdy glasses to school since I barely know anyone there. So I don't have to deal with, "why are you wearing those?" like I would've if I wore them to high school. I really like them. But anyways, I'm currently taking ENG100 at a near by community college. Last semester I took KOR101, which I liked. I'm actually sad I couldn't take KOR102 this semester. My class is pretty chill right now and it's not boring but rather more interesting. It's an hour and 45 minute long class and I have it only twice a week. I'm in love with college. Can't wait till I graduate this year♥
Tomorrow is finally Friday, also pay day! This week has been a roller coaster for me, there was so many ups and downs. I'm drained, mentally and emotionally. I'm glad that after tomorrow, I don't have school for two days. But then again, my weekend is booked with hanging out, dinner, work, volunteering, and doing all my school work. Mmm, I hope I can sneak in some hours of sleep. I don't want another headache like the one I had Tuesday night.
Hang in there everyone, only one more day till relaxation♥
Tomorrow marks 16 weeks. And I'm contemplating....

Today I had my college class. Ha, I wore my nerdy glasses to school since I barely know anyone there. So I don't have to deal with, "why are you wearing those?" like I would've if I wore them to high school. I really like them. But anyways, I'm currently taking ENG100 at a near by community college. Last semester I took KOR101, which I liked. I'm actually sad I couldn't take KOR102 this semester. My class is pretty chill right now and it's not boring but rather more interesting. It's an hour and 45 minute long class and I have it only twice a week. I'm in love with college. Can't wait till I graduate this year♥
Tomorrow is finally Friday, also pay day! This week has been a roller coaster for me, there was so many ups and downs. I'm drained, mentally and emotionally. I'm glad that after tomorrow, I don't have school for two days. But then again, my weekend is booked with hanging out, dinner, work, volunteering, and doing all my school work. Mmm, I hope I can sneak in some hours of sleep. I don't want another headache like the one I had Tuesday night.
Hang in there everyone, only one more day till relaxation♥
Tomorrow marks 16 weeks. And I'm contemplating....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I couldn't blog much last night. Tonight's going to be a long one. Hopefully.
So as I said last night, I had my wonderful AP calculus test this morning. I woke up, grabbed breakfast (Eggs&Bacon!), went to my officers meeting, stepped into class. It was the shortest test I've ever took in that class, which is why we got to go over the test in class. And I got a B♥ I usually get A's or B's but this year, I've been getting B's and C's. So getting a B today made me happy.
"Reaction mechanisms are the goals for Chemical Kinetics" says my AP chemistry teacher. We're currently learning about rates of chemicals reactions and somethings we learned in calculus. And it's quite complicated but today's lecture sure helped me. But I really need to start making the habit of doing the daily set problems. I think I need to spend less time on my laptop and more time flipping through textbooks.
Today's Wednesday, meaning no college class for me. So school ended at 12pm, thus being in love with Wednesdays. After leaving school, I headed out to costco to get myself cheap lunch. Pizza with Berry Smoothie. Berry Smoothies are my favorite♥ $1.52 with tax, haha.
After eating my pizza and drinking my smoothie, I went off to work. It was a mellow day, not too busy but not too slow, totally perfect. And I found a new piece of clothing I wanted for my closet. But I might put off on getting it even though this Friday is pay day, since we'll be adding our spring clothes next month. Which is another thing I'm looking forward too♥
How was everyone's Wednesday?
(via notebookdoodles)
I saw this post and I really wanted to send this to you in a text message, but I didn't. But one day, I will. ♥
So as I said last night, I had my wonderful AP calculus test this morning. I woke up, grabbed breakfast (Eggs&Bacon!), went to my officers meeting, stepped into class. It was the shortest test I've ever took in that class, which is why we got to go over the test in class. And I got a B♥ I usually get A's or B's but this year, I've been getting B's and C's. So getting a B today made me happy.

Today's Wednesday, meaning no college class for me. So school ended at 12pm, thus being in love with Wednesdays. After leaving school, I headed out to costco to get myself cheap lunch. Pizza with Berry Smoothie. Berry Smoothies are my favorite♥ $1.52 with tax, haha.
After eating my pizza and drinking my smoothie, I went off to work. It was a mellow day, not too busy but not too slow, totally perfect. And I found a new piece of clothing I wanted for my closet. But I might put off on getting it even though this Friday is pay day, since we'll be adding our spring clothes next month. Which is another thing I'm looking forward too♥
How was everyone's Wednesday?

I saw this post and I really wanted to send this to you in a text message, but I didn't. But one day, I will. ♥
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I have a headache, which isn't making things any better. I'm glad I finished my calculus homework. Gah, the test is tomorrow morning. I still have chemistry homework to do, but I guess I'll put that off. Short entry, I know. But goodnight♥
Monday, January 18, 2010
So instead of getting a planner and notebook yesterday, I decided to get a shirt after work for $9. It was quite worth it. And I told myself I'd go get one today after my mother came home, but instead of that, I'm sitting on my dining table, writing this blog entry and blasting trance into my lovely ears. And today, I'm wearing my fake glasses. I like them. ♥

I just realized that I haven't said anything but the other day, January 12, 2010, I got my navel pierced. I got it right before work, which is why I was late that day, hahaha. It didn't hurt at all nor does it hurt right now. I love it. ♥
This weekend, I realized a lot of things. And I feel stupid for not seeing them before. But hey, that's life. You do certain things to help yourself realize one important thing. So nothing is ever pointless in the end. Or so it seems to be.

I just realized that I haven't said anything but the other day, January 12, 2010, I got my navel pierced. I got it right before work, which is why I was late that day, hahaha. It didn't hurt at all nor does it hurt right now. I love it. ♥
This weekend, I realized a lot of things. And I feel stupid for not seeing them before. But hey, that's life. You do certain things to help yourself realize one important thing. So nothing is ever pointless in the end. Or so it seems to be.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Looking better now
The weekend's looking a lot better now. Rough start but I'm having fun. Yesterday wasn't that great. But today was fun. After work, I went over to my coworker/friend's house and cooked food together. Delicious quesadillas and mini cupcakes! Although we didn't make our cookies with berries thing, next week it's Korean food. Whoot. Excited for next weekend definitely.
This weekend, tomorrow to be exact, will be the day I buy myself a planner and a simple notebook so I can write random thoughts down and keep track of what I've done through out the days, weeks, and months and to also write things that I need to do. I've always failed to keep a planner. But this year, I'm quite determined to keep one. Also! I feel like I should carry around my lovely canon camera everywhere I go. It's such a nice camera but I barely even use it. Sounds like I found myself some new year's resolutions, haha.
Hope everyone's enjoying there three or four day weekend. ♥
This weekend, tomorrow to be exact, will be the day I buy myself a planner and a simple notebook so I can write random thoughts down and keep track of what I've done through out the days, weeks, and months and to also write things that I need to do. I've always failed to keep a planner. But this year, I'm quite determined to keep one. Also! I feel like I should carry around my lovely canon camera everywhere I go. It's such a nice camera but I barely even use it. Sounds like I found myself some new year's resolutions, haha.
Hope everyone's enjoying there three or four day weekend. ♥
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
I haven't
I haven't forgotten about you. It's just after hearing from you, the Fridays just stopped bothering. It's been 14 weeks and 3 days.
I miss talking to you, randomly ranting about small things that happened during the day.
I miss talking to you, randomly ranting about small things that happened during the day.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Fall in Love
Fall in love もっと好きになっていいの?
信じたいよ 信じさせてよ・・・ Forever
眠れぬ夜は 君の名前
つぶやいてみる Again
それだけでまた 切なくなって
(真夜中でも 飛んでくけど・・・ Do you feel the same? Baby)
I wanna believe This feeling is real
Fall in love もっと好きになっていいの?
信じたいよ 信じさせてよ… Forever
Fall in love もう何もいらない
つないだ手を離さないで… Forever
初めての気持ち ありきたりじゃない
大事にしたいよ Baby
臆病な君の 心を全部
I promise you 守るから
("ずっと"の意味 Give me ユビキリ Do you feel the same? Baby)
I wanna believe This feeling is real
Fall in love もっと好きになっていいの?
信じたいよ 信じさせてよ… Forever
冬の星座も 夏の夕暮れも
ふたりでずっと 見つめていたい
Fall in love 抱きしめられると
溢れ出して 止められない… Forever
Fall in love もう何もいらない
おわりなんてないと云って… Forever
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
First day back to work
Today I went back to work after taking three weeks off because of my trip + nails. :3 It's a constant flow now days, but apparently it's not that busy to them. I guess because they were REALLY busy right after Christmas and such. Boo, I missed out on getting a lot of hours. :[ There's a lot of things on clearance. o.o And by next month, there's going to be MORE new clothes. :D Which I'm excited about. x] Whoot! :]
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Semester 2 Term 3 Day 1
The first day back to school after having a two week long winter break wasn't too bad actually. I was expecting a much longer day. I went to my first period, Spanish 2, and realized the reason why I got a B for Term 2. Apparently, my teacher couldn't find my binder. Thus, giving me an F for that portion. Which is probably why it dropped my low A to a low B. -.- After finishing class work, I found my binder in the class because I knew I turned it in. So hopefully my grade goes back up to an A. >:[ Second period, leadership, was the usual; semi-boring but semi-busy. And my last period of the day, AP Chems. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss that class, ha. x] I realized that 70% of my grade is based on my test scores which aren't great. That class is extremely hard but I'm sure I'll get better...? Hopefully this semester will be better than semester 1.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
LA LA ありがとう
光るお日様 キラキラ波打ち際
青い海と空 いつも同じさ
涙が こぼれ落ちても
さぁ 手を繋いだら
俺らは 笑顔の ひまわりさ!
LA LA ありがとう
さよならをする時も 味方だった
月が微笑む 星がそっと寄り添う
どうかいつまでも 見守っていて
上向いて 胸張って 飛べるから!
LA LA ありがとう
心配掛けた あなた傷付けた
迷惑掛けた でも歩き続けた
こぼした涙 俺バカだから
お互いの夢 それ宝だから!
俺ムチャクチャだけど 今伝えたい
LA LA ありがとう
もみじ彩り 雪が踊り
桜舞い散り お日様輝き
いつも黄色い 愛のカタチ
Friday, January 1, 2010
First post of 2010. :]
So far, it's pretty good actually. Spent the night with my niggahs till 3AM. Came home and read a message that made my new years that much more better. :D Fell asleep at 5AM, didn't wake up till 2:40PM. Hahaha, hopefully things get a lot better this year. I know it will. :D
So far, it's pretty good actually. Spent the night with my niggahs till 3AM. Came home and read a message that made my new years that much more better. :D Fell asleep at 5AM, didn't wake up till 2:40PM. Hahaha, hopefully things get a lot better this year. I know it will. :D
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