So as I said last night, I had my wonderful AP calculus test this morning. I woke up, grabbed breakfast (Eggs&Bacon!), went to my officers meeting, stepped into class. It was the shortest test I've ever took in that class, which is why we got to go over the test in class. And I got a B♥ I usually get A's or B's but this year, I've been getting B's and C's. So getting a B today made me happy.

Today's Wednesday, meaning no college class for me. So school ended at 12pm, thus being in love with Wednesdays. After leaving school, I headed out to costco to get myself cheap lunch. Pizza with Berry Smoothie. Berry Smoothies are my favorite♥ $1.52 with tax, haha.
After eating my pizza and drinking my smoothie, I went off to work. It was a mellow day, not too busy but not too slow, totally perfect. And I found a new piece of clothing I wanted for my closet. But I might put off on getting it even though this Friday is pay day, since we'll be adding our spring clothes next month. Which is another thing I'm looking forward too♥
How was everyone's Wednesday?

I saw this post and I really wanted to send this to you in a text message, but I didn't. But one day, I will. ♥
aaww. there'll always be those unsent text messages.