Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Anyways, almost new years eve! Time to get fucked up? Yes. :D Hopefully it'll be better than last year. Well, last year wasn't that bad. x] I guess. LOL. I should hop into bed again soon. Ha.
Ahhh, it's been twelve weeks and still counting.... Or, well. I'm still counting and waiting.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
I will be here.
You need somewhere to start
I will be here
And when it all seems to fall apart
You can’t breathe
You don’t know what you’re thinking
You need somewhere to start
I will be here”
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Three down, four more to go!
I can't wait till my winter break. I'm going back to Japanland for eight days. d: Then, just relax and work till school goes back in session. d:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
When life...
This quote made me a little more stronger on the inside. ♥
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend Day 2&3
So afterwards my coworker picked me up for some yogurt, took me home, then I met up with my best friend and cruised. x] Had a semi-good talk, I really needed it. I even cried. Sigh. ><
Today I opened and just came back from work! :] And now I'm going to go work on my college essay, hahaha.
Hope Black Friday was dope for everyone. :D
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend Day 1
Mother came home from her business trip two days ago. :] She went to Japanland for two weeks. She brought home a lot of books and snacks. I'm pretty happy that she's home. Finally, I can eat good homemade food. :3
School is really a drag. It sucks. d: But I need to work my ass off or else my grades will be worse than last term. -___-" AP Chemistry is depressing and AP Calculus is frustrating. The combination of both is stressful. Not to say, in leadership, I'm actually doing a bunch of things so that my adviser won't bitch. -___-" For some reason, this year she's very strict. Like ridiculously strict with everything. Oh well. Whatever. Ha. Finally caught up with photography class, well kind of. All I have to do is my extra credit project, then I'm done. I hate that I'm stuck with that class. Aigoooo. -____-" Oh well. Can't do anything about it anymore!
Tomorrow is BLACK FRIDAY. Guess who's working? Me. d: 3-closing~ Sighhhhh. I'm expecting to finish an hour+ after closing because of all the clothes that needs to be placed where they belong because it was thrown around the store probably 23984392871 times. -____-" Oh well, worth the money I'll be getting out of it. :D
Recently, there's been nothing going on. Life is kind of boring as of now. And that's really lame. All I do is think about things that bother me throughout the day and night. It literally sucks ass. I don't really have a place/person/thing I can completely vent to. -___-" I'm pretty much bottling this all up inside me. Great. -___-" It's probably why I have insomnia right now. I sleep past 1AM almost everyday. -___-" It's like, if I don't have anything to do the next day I'll stay awake. One night, I came home around 12:30AM and went to bed at 4:30AM. I told myself I have to go to bed. It's weird. Unless I'm tired, I usually listen to my music and fall asleep. Bad habits piling up. Sigh. -___-"
Hopefully this weekend will be a good one.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It's fall guys, but the weather makes it seem like it's still the summer. -.- I want it to get windy and NOT humid. The past couple of weeks, I've been dying in the heat. a;lkdfja;lkwejonvwevano;kd -_________-
Term 2 started and it's pretty chill for now. I still get the same amount of work to do each week but mmm, classes are plain boring and long. -.- I mean I have half day but still, 4.5 hours is LONG. And I don't really enjoy it for various reasons so therefore school can suck it.
Work is a different story though. Not much dreading, it's actually fun sometimes lol. (: I have awesome coworkers and I'm excited for winter clothes to finally come in. And not to mention the new discounted outfits. :D lol. BUT I am angry about not being able to find the adorable sweater in my size on this island. ): I hope we get more of the sweaters shipped in so I can find my size! .__.
Last week I took the infamous SATs. -.- I actually prepared myself better than last time I should say. Went to sleep early, ate breakfast, got there early so I could leave early, and I feel I did a lot better than last time. (x Hopefully, my scores reflect it. >< Cause if not, I'm going to cry. T^T
It's almost Halloween guys. :D I'm quite stoked for it. (: <3
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
The last dream I had that I can remember was a weird one. It had random people or actually two, I was wearing someone's Hollister jacket (white), and it had calculus in it. o__o How random.
But apparently, mathematics indicates that I'm evaluating a situation in your waking life where I need to be more rational in my thinking and that I shouldn't act on my emotions. Wearing a jacket means that I want to present and project to the outside world. It also symbolizes my protective and defensive personality. It states that I tend to distant my feelings and as a result, I may be isolating myself. I also looked up white which means that I may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life.
How interesting. (: It kind of all makes sense, lol. I like looking up dreams and what they mean. (x
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fall Break
Colored contacts! :D Yes, I want to get some colored contacts. :D Weird, but I only want them to wear occasionally. (x All I need to do is get them fitted or something. And then I can order them. lol. d: I hope I match the colors I want. >__<
Ohohoh! We might get a dog :D I'm so excited! (x<
"Failure is the only opportunity to begin again." Right?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tell me why you had to go その手離せないよ
あの頃のように 笑っていたいよ
I just wanna hold you close ずっと忘れないよ
夜の海で ひかれあって
二人になって 笑いあって 見つめあって 重なりあって
二人になって 寄りそって 抱きあって 深くKISSして
出会って 信じて 好きになりすぎて
苦しくて ああ いつも泣いてた
ただ待ち続けて さよなら言えなくて
もう二度と… あの日々に帰れない
もう一度会いたいよ 声聞きたいよ
Tell me why you had to go その手離せないよ
あの頃のように 笑っていたいよ
I just wanna hold you close ずっと忘れないよ
想い出つまった favorite song
せつなすぎて まだ聴けなくて
街を歩き 涙がこぼれる
一人になって 時止まって 立ち止まって 何も見えなくて
一人になって 笑えなくて 振り返って またうつむいて
前を向かなきゃって わかっているんだよ
出会って 信じて 好きになりすぎて
苦しくて ああ いつも泣いてた
ただ待ち続けて さよなら言えなくて
もう二度と… あの日々に帰れない
(every night so cold) 寒い部屋一人震える
(can’t let go) 戻らない時間が
(come back home) さびしすぎるよ
もう二度と… もう二度と…
抱きしめてくれないの? おいていかないでよ
もう一度会いたいよ 声聞きたいよ
Tell me why you had to go その手離せないよ
あの頃のように 笑っていたいよ
I just wanna hold you close ずっと忘れないよ
出会って 信じて 好きになりすぎて
苦しくて ああ いつも泣いてた
ただ待ち続けて さよなら言えなくて
もう二度と… あの日々に帰れない
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
State of Mind
School + Study + Work + My Important Seven + Trance + Food + Text = <333
Monday, August 31, 2009
What About Us
Though I can’t deny, I still want you back
No confidence, just hide and seek
Your weapon’s blood, is security
What about promises, and what about the days I’m missing
What about, what about, what about us
What about the time of our lives
What about the things that you had
What about, what about, what about us
I’m waiting for you
I’m waiting
It’s time to let go
I’m waiting for you (what about, what about, what about us..)
As a matter of fact, there’s no turning back
Though I can’t deny, I still want you back
No confidence, just hide and seek
Your weapon’s blood, is security
What about promises, and what about the days I’m missing
What about, what about, what about us
I’m waiting for you
What about, what about, what about us
As a matter of fact, there’s no turning back
Though I can’t deny, I still want you back
No confidence, just hide and seek
Your weapon’s blood, is security
What about promises, and what about the days I’m missing
What about, what about, what about us
What about the time of our lives
What about the things that you had
What about, what about, what about us
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Still Here
I never knew life could be this way
Life without you
I never knew life could be this strange
Like a sky that isn't blue
I know you're still here
I know you still care
I know you follow me places only you and I would share
You know you're my love
Know that I always cared
I may have been away without you
But my heart was always here
Never forget
I never left
Always there in the shadows
Hard to believe
Because you couldn't see
Always there when I mattered
I'm still here
I never meant to fall this way
So much to sacrifice
I never thought life would pass away
And at such a high price
Feel we're still one
That love hasn't gone
I sense everything about you
Around me when I'm alone
Know that you'll always be
Deep in the heart of me
No matter where I am today
You'll always be a part of me
Never forget
I never left
Always there in the shadows
Hard to believe
Because you couldn't see
Always there when I mattered
I'm still here
Thursday, August 20, 2009
for time to pass us by,
so that things will calm down.
I'm just waiting,
for time to pass us by,
so that people can forget it and move on.
I'm just waiting,
for time to pass us by,
so that we can let it fall together again.
I'm waiting,
will you wait too?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"You're free. "
Yesterday, I decided to throw out all the clothes I received from the guys I used to have feelings for. I gathered all the clothes into a garbage bag and left it in my trunk for the day. Unexpectedly, the idea of burning the clothes come up in my friend's idea.
Kahala Beach is where I cut all strings that were loosely attached to me. I have never seen fire so beautifully and I have never seen the moon as big and as yellow as it was. Every piece of clothing had its own story. I couldn't help but to explain some of them. It's not as easy as it sounds to just dig a hole and burn clothes, I was hesitant about it just because it wasn't something I normally do, it was a bit uncomfortable. I'm usually the type to hold on to things, even after feelings die and time flies. This was a first. But don't get me wrong, not everything is erased.
Now, I am free. The many things I have realized this past week, gave me clearer vision on what's going on in my life. It sorted what's important right now and what's the past. I hope I'm not too late for everything that's going on in my life.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Good and Bad things happened.
Either way, no regrets.
It's life, let's live it up.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Summer 2009
My 09 friends have graduated...kind of sad that they won't be here at high school anymore. Even though I wasn't that close with 09, I'll still miss them. :< Especially two of my close 09 friends who are leaving this Rock for college. ): I'll definitely miss them but some of my friends are staying on this Rock so that saves me from missing too many people. x]]]] *Sigh* My Korean friend who moved from the East Coast left for the East Coast last night. ): What really sucks is that he might not be coming back to this Rock. ): Which means he might not be graduating with me. ): Such a bummer, really.
So far this summer I: went to the beach, got my hair wet at the pool, ate an acai bowl :3. had at least three subway sandwiches, saw the movie Drag me to Hell (SUCKED), and had a mini party where I did NOT drink.
I have a bunch of things to do, so enjoy your summer (:
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
It's been a week.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Prom Prom Prom.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Boy I hear you in my dreams,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Why 24 hours in a day?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A 'Not-So-Productive' Weekend.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another weekend.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Eyes, Acai Bowl, Award.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Look up to the sky.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I feel so lethargic.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009
First day back to school