Monday, April 12, 2010


I wonder if it's even worth trying to be strong,
trying not to be bothered by rude comments and laughs,
trying not to care about what people may think of you,
trying not to care about feeling alone in a class full of people I know,
trying not to think about what happened with you and how it is now,
trying not to cry when you feel like crying everyday.

Tell me, is it worth it all?


  1. Hello deary!
    I know how you feel, I've been there. Just so you know it's absolutely worth trying to be strong. It's a must! You can't stop yourself from being bothered by rude comments, stop yourself from caring, and not thinking about anything. All those things are innate, and you can't turn these things off. You just have to fight through and focus on what does make you happy. Channel your time into something that you enjoy.
    Hope you're feeling better! ♥♥

  2. it's always worth it.

    you're strong, I know that. ♥

    crying is good. crying is always better than not crying. once you cry, you can get over it more quickly.

