Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Semester 2 Term 3 Day 1

The first day back to school after having a two week long winter break wasn't too bad actually. I was expecting a much longer day. I went to my first period, Spanish 2, and realized the reason why I got a B for Term 2. Apparently, my teacher couldn't find my binder. Thus, giving me an F for that portion. Which is probably why it dropped my low A to a low B. -.- After finishing class work, I found my binder in the class because I knew I turned it in. So hopefully my grade goes back up to an A. >:[ Second period, leadership, was the usual; semi-boring but semi-busy. And my last period of the day, AP Chems. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss that class, ha. x] I realized that 70% of my grade is based on my test scores which aren't great. That class is extremely hard but I'm sure I'll get better...? Hopefully this semester will be better than semester 1.

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